Tuesday, June 30, 2009


The web 2.0 is not for everyone. Students who have computer knowledge are lucky and those who do not are going to be the kids left behind. What happens to those students who need a hard copy to study from? There are plenty of visual learners out in the world today. What happens to those kids whose computers crash and all information is lost and your paper is due tomorrow? If we do not keep up with todays technology we the educators will be left behind, also. We can use these tools to overlap in certain subjects and kids in todays society are more out to use computers instead of learning how to hunt information in libraries. It has a lot of benefits but there is a lot of downfall to it to. Electronics are taking over, what did we before them!!!!


  1. "Electronics are taking over, what did we before them!!!!"

    That's a question that I hope I never have to answer. They would certainly have to lock me up in a padded cell if I had to find out, but that's just me. However, regarding electronics taking over, yes they are, which is why it is SO important that educators take the initiative, as you have, to become better versed in what our own students already know. If we don't, we'll be leaving the kids behind in more way than one, as well as ourselves.

    "What happens to those kids whose computers crash and all information is lost and your paper is due tomorrow?"

    Actually, a couple of the tools that we'll be exploring later on in the class will be a great solution for that very problem. Why keep papers on the computer when they can be stored on the web!

  2. I certainly agree with you there. We have to be on our toes and constantly be keeping up with all the new technological advances today or the kids will be more computer literate than we are.
