Tuesday, June 30, 2009


My name is Deborah Wilson. I am a special ed. parapro at Yargo Elementary School in Barrow County. This is my 15th year in special ed. I have been with the same teacher for this long and she has been terrific. This past year I have been doing inclusion in grades 3 and 4. I have been amazed at how the regular ed. classes and the special ed. classes have become one. I am taking this course in order to gain more knowledge from the different people out there who may have different ideas. I hope to gain understanding on how this blogging works and how to make better use of the computer.

1 comment:

  1. Welcome to the class Deborah! It's great to have you as a part of this course. By the end, you'll definitely have blogging under your belt and be exposed to a variety of different blogs as well as other tools. I hope you'll find your knowledge base expanded by the end of the class as well as some ways that you could use the tools for the benefit of the students.
